
Current versioning plan for sub-1.0 versions. It will be somewhat rough ride towards 1.0, but I’ll try to drive safely… Between the versions, bugs will we fixed as soon as the sting grows unbearable.

0.1 – released

Initial version
Windows and OSX release
Proof-of-concept style functionality
UI reset user inactivity, prevents display dimming


Improving MIDI process handling
New ways of interacting…
Customizing controls
JPEG Temp/tint
UI notifications when adjusting values (maybe Growl if I can’t find anything better)


B&W Mixing
Keyword support, assigning own keywords to buttons
Navigation support, button for next photo
More to come….

2 thoughts on “Roadmap

  1. I would love to hear about this once it is ready for production! Is there a mailing list that I can subscribe to? I’m very interested in this. One question though, if you use a virtual controller will the settings on the controller auto zero once you move on to the next photo?

    1. Subscribe to RSS feed, or use some external rss-to-email service.

      Knobroom sends midi events to controller when photo is changed (moving between photos, or e.g. applying preset on Lightroom side). If you have virtual knobs (e.g. Nocturn or BCR-2000) or motorized faders (BCF-2000) the sliders show the correct value. There is one implementation caveat though, Lightroom blocks plugin from running while the preview is being rendered, so it might take a couple of seconds before the MIDI can be sent to controller when changing photos.

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